Customs Brokerage
Advising and development of customs procedures with the help of our customs brokerage partner company, Sia Trade S.A. Level I.

Merchandise Transport
Local and national merchandise transport service.

Inventory Management
Integrated information system for the management and control of inventories personalize to the needs of each of our customers.

Intermediation of adequate warehouses according to the storages needs of the different types of merchandise, solid bulks: clean and dirty, liquid bulks, project cargo and general cargo.

Port Operations
We are port operators for the management of every type of cargo, next to ship, in warehouse and in areaway doing all activities related to the efficient manipulation of cargo.
Carrera 61 No. 66-75 | PBX: (5)3360410 Extensión 107
Calle 20 No. 82-52 Oficina 335 Centro Empresarial Hayuelos | Tel.: (1)3596053 - (1)3567617
Calle 7 No. 3-11 Oficina 1204 Edificio Pacific Trade Center | Tel.: (572)2413704
Km 6, Vía Mamonal, Centro Empresarial CLC | Cel.: (+57)3135466591
Santa Marta
Calle 11 No. 1C-23 Edificio Posihueica Oficina 308-309 | Tel.: (5)4232837
Km 112, Vía Buenaventura - Buga, Glorieta de Media Canoa | Cel.: (+57) 3226552096